Opera rescued by Spanish scholar Emilio Casares and produced in Valencia as an orchestra version. In 2018, the opera will have another representation in Madrid thanks to the gigantic efforts of Casares, but again in orchestra version, with no full production. This opera was new at the time because it shows the influence of Verdi on Spanish composers, but Giner managed to maintain some Spanish sounds, finally achieving an opera that combined elements of both countries and in which the Spanish audience would still feel identified.
Salvador Giner y Vidal was born in Valencia (1832 - 1911) and composed his opera "Indovina" at the age of 36, quite a young age for the maturity he shows here. Emilio Casares Rodicio has been at the front of Spanish musicology, recovering with ICCMU up to 1053 works, 37 of them operas. It is extraordinary how operas like this easily surpass Beethoven's "Fidelo" or some others like Mozart's "Lucio Silla", which is currently playing at the Royal Opera House in Madrid, and how works like the one of Giner have not had a full production since the 19th century.
Giner - "Indovina", Concertante
Emilio Casares Rodicio |
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